JSG Blog
Keeping clients and candidates current.
Showing Confidence in Job Interviews
Naturally, most people are nervous for important job interviews—that is okay! It is not okay when those nerves get in the way of a successful
April Employee Highlight: Nicole Clark and Leadership
Each month, we like to highlight one of our employees that is doing great things. Lately, we have been highlighting those that reflect our company
How to be Professionally Authentic
It can be difficult to know what approach is appropriate at work these days. Oftentimes, it can depend on where you work. You want to
What Makes You Stand Out?
How can you differentiate yourself from other candidates? When you are compared to a bunch of other candidates with the same qualifications, what would make
3 Ways to Make Your New Hires Feel Welcomed
For anyone, starting a new job can be intimidating. Companies must make an effort to make their new hires comfortable and welcomed, as well as
Job Search Advice from the Songs of Music Legend, Dolly Parton
We contacted Dolly for advice about the job search process, but we heard nothing back. Weird. We thought her deepest passions were music and the