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not landing the job

3 Reasons You May Not be Landing the Job

You know the drill. You search. You apply. You don’t hear back. Sometimes, the job search can feel like an endless cycle of questions with no answers. Did they even get your resume? If they saw your application and passed, why aren’t you landing the job? While we can’t give you exact reasons, here are a few to consider and potentially change the way you apply in the future:

You aren’t putting yourself out there.

Sure, you are applying for jobs, but are you giving it your best effort? If this is a job you really care about, follow up! Shoot over an email after a couple of days to make sure they received your application. If you get an interview, make sure to send them a “thank you” for their time the next day.

If this is a position that you are basically ready to accept, tell them that! Companies want people who are passionate about the work they do. You don’t have to show them all your cards but don’t play it too cool. Let them know if you are excited about their company!

You are telling, not showing.

Avoid speaking in vague/general terms, especially when it comes to your resume. Try your best to give concrete numbers or results when explaining your accomplishments. Give specific examples.

Instead of simply saying that you are a leader, share a story about a time that you showed the quality of leadership. Actions speak louder than words! Showing the hiring manager what you are capable of has a good chance of helping lead to you landing the job.

Check out this previous article about writing a strong resume.

You are applying for the wrong positions.

Last but not least, you may be applying for the wrong positions! Typically, when candidates are rejected for a job, they assume that they were considered underqualified. This is not always the case! Sometimes, you may be rejected for being overqualified. Companies are wary of hiring someone who is overqualified for a role as they would expect higher pay and be more likely to leave sooner.

Be sure to apply for positions at your level and a couple of “reach” positions. Self-awareness is key. Know your value!

Still looking for a good role to apply to? As always, JSG is hiring! Check out our open positions here.

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