When you think about the holidays, it’s probably a stressful time outside of work. This is the time we all normally slack off in our career’s because we’re finishing up budgets, have completed most of our projects, and are just ready to relax. But, this should actually be the time you are working your butt off to start the new year off with a bang instead of a, “oh my gosh, I need to catch up.”
By doing this, you’re setting yourself up for even more success in the new year and putting an awesome step forward into a new and fresh year. A year that could make you even more successful. And here are some reasons why you should do this instead of just slide into the new year.
Advantage at the end of the year
Depending on your career, you could be the only one taking December full steam. Which means you could end up getting more people excited to work with you or buy from you. When you decide to keep grinding, it helps not only your work ethic but keeps you from slacking off and hurting you in the long run.
Others are slacking off in their career’s
This is a great reason to keep working hard and making an impact on your job. This not only puts you ahead of the game but if you are in any sales position at all, your competitors have most likely checked out for the year… BUT, that doesn’t mean your clients have. So, you end up getting the advantage with them before your competitors do.
You are ahead of the game for the new year
By working hard this last month, you will be able to accomplish the end of the year needs and have all your goals set and started for 2019. This time of year is a great time to get organized and prepared so that you can hit the ground running in the new year without any hiccups. Being ahead of the game is only going to benefit you and your job and when you are ahead of your competitors, it’s always going to be the best feeling.
You will feel more accomplished
When you’re working hard, you will always feel accomplished. And what’s a better time to work your butt off? A time when you have vacation, family, and happiness just flowing around you.
Hold yourself accountable for goals
If you continue to work through December, it will keep you accountable. Not every year will you finish or accomplish all your goals especially if you stop working for them in November or December. Just because you feel like you’ve already “failed” and that you won’t hit them isn’t an excuse to stop trying.
You end up only hurting yourself which will casue you to not hold yourself accountable. Goals are supposed to be difficult to reach. However, they are impossible to reach if you stop trying for them. So, staying positive and remembering to hold yourself accountable will keep you on track to reach your goals.
Keeps you driven and wanting to work
When you don’t let yourself slack off during the end of the year, you affect your career outcome in an amazing way. Your drive to continue to work and stay strong only helps you enjoy your job and in turn will help you get promotions, find better opportunities, and leave you more successful.
Will lead you to success in your career
When you decide to make the end of the year just as important as the beginning, it makes you an irreplaceable employee. And a work ethic like yours is very hard to find. And coming from a company like JSG that continues to work for our clients year round, we know the impact it has made. Especially, for our clients who know we aren’t just waiting for the vacation days. They know we are continuing to work hard for them so they don’t have to worry about their hiring needs.
If you’re looking for a new career that pushes you to work hard all the time or a company looking for those kinds of employees, reach out to one of our recruiters today. We would love to help your find your next career step before the beginning of the new year.