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Job Search Advice from the Songs of Music Legend, Dolly Parton

We contacted Dolly for advice about the job search process, but we heard nothing back. Weird. We thought her deepest passions were music and the interview process. We figured the next best thing would be to take some advice from her popular songs!

“It’s All Wrong But It’s All Right” (1977)

You may hit some roadblocks, like interviewing for a job that seems “all wrong” or having a phone call with a manager that seems like a walking red flag, but do not get discouraged! These “all wrong” experiences can give you an idea of what NOT to look for in job descriptions or companies. Though these may not be positive experiences, they can bring good knowledge for you to take with you as you continue your job search!

“9 to 5” (1980)

In this song, Dolly gives us a clear expectation—she is working 9-5! When starting the job search process, set your standards for your expectations when it comes to working hours, benefits, salary, etc. With these standards already set, you can go into interviews with clear questions and non-negotiables in mind. If a company can’t give you a clear answer, that is not a good sign. Know your worth and hold to your standards!

“Here You Come Again” (1977)

When you tell your current company that you are leaving, they may offer you some incentives to stay. Here they come again, asking for you to accept! Before resigning, decide if there is anything your current company could do that would be worth staying for, whether this is salary-related, benefit-related, etc. Be prepared to hear a counteroffer and know how you will respond.

“All I Can Do” (1976)

Be sure to show companies “all [you] can do”—showcase your skills and great qualities as an employee! Give concrete examples. If possible, quantify how the impact you have had in previous positions. Companies want to see results. Show them all you can do!

“I Will Always Love You” (1974)

If you have job security in your current role or you are in a place financially where you can continue looking, do not be afraid to hold out for a company that you think you would stay at for a long time! It can be worth it to find the company that you will always love. When searching for a job, look for companies that have a mission and values that you align with. Most companies that value their employees will have good benefits and a clear hiring process.

When you follow Dolly’s advice and land a good job, you’ll be singing “I Will Always Love You” all the way home!

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