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The Benefits of Allowing Employees to Work Remote

The Benefits of Allowing Employees to Work Remote

Are you thinking about moving your company to remote or hybrid work? The past two years have shown us that working from home is possible for many businesses that have not previously considered it. Not only can remote work benefit your employees, but it can also benefit your business as a whole. Save time, money, and keep your employees around!

Employee Motivation (and Retention!)

Workers report feeling more productive when they have the option to work from home. Workplace distractions are reduced, and employees have the comfort of being in a space that they can curate to optimize motivation. According to this article by The Predictive Index, remote employees are 13% more likely to say that they will stay at their job for the next five years than in-person workers. Allowing remote and hybrid options shows your employees that you care about their wants and needs. In the current job market, it is essential to show your employees that you value them and the work they do for the company. Check out this previous article on employee retention.

Flexibility and Reach

Allowing remote work gives your company and workers flexibility to make the workday and workplace what you and your employees need. Employees have the flexibility to stay home, allowing many to care for their pets or children. Employees can choose where and how they work. This allows employers to hire candidates from across the country without the employer or employee having to worry about relocation. Employees save costs on relocating, as well as on commuting. A remote option greatly opens your candidate pool and can make it easier to have a wider reach across the country and even globally!

Reduced Costs

Remote work can save your company resources and money. This article outlines three key ways that companies save with remote work. Companies can save money on costs as little as coffee supplies to those as big as renting office space. Even when companies are hybrid, fewer people in the office at once means fewer desks and less office space needed. This allows your company to downsize and save costs on office space and supplies.

Allowing a remote option for your employees can lead to much more productivity in your company. Happy employees are productive employees. Save money, provide flexibility, and keep your employees around (from afar)!

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