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How To Avoid Phishing Scams At Your Company

How To Avoid Phishing Scams At Your Company

As more and more people work from home and cybersecurity measures become more complicated, corporate phishing scams are on the rise. In fact, one in every two organizations has been targeted by a ransomware attack in 2019, and the attackers successfully encrypted data in 73% of these attacks. And a single spear-phishing attack results in an average loss of $1.6 million. This is why it is more important than ever to take these actionable steps towards shielding your company from phishing scams.

Implement and Maintain Strong Security Software

The best way to avoid phishing scams at your company is by implementing reliable security software. This will help to filter out and neutralize any threats from the start. The more layers of protection your software can offer, the better. Phishing scams are evolving and changing every day, so you need to continually monitor and adapt your protection and response.

Educate Your Employees

Your employees will be on the front lines of your phishing defense. First, encourage everyone to utilize multi-factor authentication – especially on any personal devices that are connected to their company email, like their mobile phones. Next, educate your employees on what phishing scams look like. Provide examples of phishing emails and red flags to look for. Last, establish open lines of communication between your teams. When someone receives a phishing email, have them report it to your IT department immediately!

Backup Your Data

Mistakes happen, and if you, unfortunately, find your company a victim of a phishing scam, you need to be prepared. Task your IT team with creating an extensive backup protocol to protect and preserve your most important and sensitive information. This backup protocol should extend to your individual employees so they can maintain personal documents as well.

Partner With A Professional

The thought of your company being threatened by frequent phishing attacks is intimidating. Especially if you don’t have the bandwidth to add a full team of IT professionals to your company’s payroll. Instead, consider partnering with an IT Consulting Firm like Johnson Service Group. Our IT Consulting Team can partner with your management and employees to create a custom phishing defense plan that will work for your company. Additionally, our team is here if you do experience the unfortunate event of a phishing attack. In the long run, you will obtain peace of mind and save money by proactively partnering with experts.

Contact us today to learn more about our IT Services and how you can protect your company from phishing scams.

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