The pandemic has sparked some serious technological innovations in the workplace, and we need to understand these changes to stay ahead of the curve. Our workplaces, interfaces, and everything in-between will not look the same as we tread further into 2020. COVID-19 has digitized life as we know it and sparked innovative change in many companies. The pandemic has given rise to rethinking technology, communication, and culture. Stay in the loop by following these three significant technological changes that are taking the world by storm.
A Monumental Spike in AI
The spike in artificial intelligence (AI) since the pandemic broke out has been monumental; almost everyone is starting to incorporate it. Around 73% of organizations are planning to adopt AI within their organization somehow, according to Accenture Technology. Currently, AI might seem like a rare commodity within companies, but soon enough, every company will implement some aspect of AI into their organization. According to Grand View Research, the global AI market is projected to grow from $62.4 billion to $733.7 billion by 2027.
Improved Methods of Communication
The pandemic helped bring so many workplace collaboration tools, productivity applications, and communication software to the market. Companies like Zoom, Slack, Microsoft Teams, and many more have seen a significant increase in use. Between March and April of 2020, Zoom’s daily users jumped from 10 million to 200 million daily users in just one month, illustrating how vital communication tools have become. The pandemic has shown us that communication is key to running a good team, whether in the office or from a screen!
VR Development
Virtual Reality (VR) accelerated its innovations as a result of the pandemic. VR is a fantastic way to train employees by testing workplace scenarios and teaching new skills with little consequence for failure. In a PWC study, researchers found that 275% of people were more confident to apply skills learned after training with VR technology. So, who knows? With that kind of success rate, you might complete all your workplace training through VR in the future.
What Does the Increase in Technology Mean for Me?
With the robust advancements with technology over the last few months, you can take a few steps to stay qualified and aware:
- Become more tech-savvy.
- Develop and show-off your tech skills (there are a million helpful tutorials out there!).
- Improve your communication and diverge your methods of communication.
Technology opens the door to new knowledge, creativity, and career opportunities. Ten years ago, you couldn’t even fathom a career as a ‘drone operator’ or an ‘AI developer;’ these types of tech jobs did not even exist yet. This should excite you! You cannot even imagine the fantastic career opportunities that will come because of technological innovations.
If you’re ready to take the plunge, check out our jobs board for tech jobs across North America!
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