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Miranda Jones

JSG Employee Spotlight: Miranda Jones

Miranda Jones

Miranda Jones is a Recruiting Manager for our North Charleston, SC office. She’s been with JSG for over seven years and specializes in direct hire placements. We sat down with Miranda to get to know her a little better. Here’s what she had to say about her role at JSG and her team.

You’ve been with JSG for seven years now. Tell us a little about your time with JSG and how you earned your way to becoming Recruiting Manager for your office?

I began my career at JSG as a Staffing Coordinator and after several months, I was promoted to a Technical Recruiter. At the time, I was responsible for both contract and direct hire placements. Through performance (and preference), I was given an opportunity to focus solely on direct hire.

After successfully performing as a DH Recruiter and showing an ability to mentor and train new recruiters on our team, I was offered an opportunity to build a new direct hire team in Charleston for the first time since our inception. Thus far, I’ve added two DH team members, Liana Presti and Taylor Graves. So far this year, JSG Charleston just hit their 12th direct hire placement for 2019. We’re off to a great start!

You seem to have a genuine passion for recruiting and the Staffing Industry. What do you enjoy the most about your job? What keeps you excited to come to work day after day?

It sounds cliché, but I truly enjoy positively impacting my candidate’s lives and helping their dreams come true. It’s also very rewarding to help my client’s find great candidates that can make an immediate impact on their organization.

I also like mentoring the recruiters on my team to strive to be the best in our industry. I’ve been truly blessed with attracting a solid team with unlimited potential. They’re a dream to work with and make leading fulfilling.

You’ve spent the majority of your career as a recruiter. What advice would you give someone who is just starting a career as a recruiter?

Never settle for being a good recruiter; find out who the best is and beat them by a mile. Also, stay ethical. No short-term win will ever beat the long-term benefits of a professional network that trusts you and colleagues that respect you.

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