Searching for a new job is much more than just scouring online job boards and refreshing your inbox every five minutes. There are many ways you can bolster your search in the background of your job hunting journey. If you are looking for better results, here are four activities to master during your job search.
Clean up your social media
Did you know that nearly 70% of employers check candidates’ social media when making hiring decisions? While you are in between applying for jobs, take some time to clean up your social media accounts. If you have some distasteful or unprofessional posts, it’s probably a good idea to remove them. So, next time you see one of those cringy Facebook memories from years ago, consider deleting it. Moreover, if you are worried about a future employer seeing your social media content, it might be best to make some or all of your profiles private. It is pretty easy to change your privacy settings on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Become familiar with virtual interview platforms
Another activity to master during your job search is familiarizing yourself with popular virtual interview platforms. If you have experience with platforms like Teams or Zoom, you are in good shape. However, if you don’t have much experience with these technologies, it’s worth your time to get to know them. Take a page out of the book from this prosecutor from Texas.
Save yourself from any embarrassing video interview moments to ensure your meeting goes purrfect!
Create a side hustle
If you have been unemployed for a while, have you considered working on a side hustle? Many people across the world are marketing their skills on a consulting basis. Creating a side hustle is an excellent way to extend your network, bolster your portfolio, and make a little money on the side. There are numerous programs out there like Fiverr and Udemy, each with different perks or specialties. So, whether you are a content creator, engineer, or excellent writer, there are plenty of opportunities to create a side hustle and make some spare cash during your job search.
Partner with a recruiter
Another activity to master during your job search is developing a partnership with a recruiter. Recruiting firms like JSG are looking for talented candidates to help them discover their next job opportunity. We have strong relationships with hiring managers and help you from resume submittal to signing your offer letter. Our team at JSG is ready to help you find your next position. We have hundreds of jobs across North America with clients ready to hire talented workers just like you. Reach out to us today, and let’s get you back to work!
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