Everyone has a company that you dream of working for. Maybe they even inspired your entire career choice! And of course, rather than continue admiring them from afar, you’d like to get your foot in the door and make your dream job a reality. But where do you start? Begin by following these three steps. (Spoiler alert: you’ll want to get really friendly with LinkedIn!)
Learn everything there is to know
While “doing research” may seem obvious, we want you to take it much deeper than a brief skim of their “About Us” page. Follow them on social media, and do a deep dive into their previous posts. Keep an eye out for posts that allude to their company culture. Note key employees who are consistently featured. You may even be able to pick up on projects or causes that are particularly important to you! All of these things are important to store in your memory bank for networking conversations or interviews.
Find college alumni to connect with
College bonds typically run pretty strong, even if you’ve never met fellow alumni. It gives you a great conversation starter and highlights commonalities between strangers. Head to your dream company on LinkedIn. Follow the prompt to “see all employees on LinkedIn.” Once the search populates, you can filter further by schools. This will give you a list of any fellow alumni who currently work there. Send a warm connection request citing your alma mater and interest in learning more about their employer.
Don’t be afraid to send a cold email
It can be intimidating to reach out to a company without a prior introduction. However, if they have no current openings and you don’t have any existing connections there, how else would they know you’re interested? You never know if your message will reach someone at just the right time! Keep it simple and express your admiration and interest in the company and eventually working there.
“Hi {Company Name} Team,
My name is Kate, and I’ve always admired {Company Name} and your dedication to {cause.} I recently graduated with a degree in Business Administration and Journalism, and I would love to be a part of your incredible mission. I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and get my resume in your hands in case there should ever be an opening that fits my skills. I look forward to building a relationship in the future!”
While it may seem overwhelming at first, pursuing your dream company is actually a great way to build your network and grow your confidence. And besides, you’ll never know until you try!
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