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Marla Kilgore

JSG Employee Spotlight: Marla Kilgore

Marla Kilgore

Marla Kilgore is a Sr. Recruiter from our Knoxville, Birmingham, and Nashville offices. She has been with JSG for over 10 years and has a tremendous amount of industry experience. We sat down with her and learned a little more about her time with JSG and her impressive career as a recruiter.

You have nearly 24 years of experience in the Staffing and Recruiting industry. What has kept you working in this field for so long?

I’ve been in the Staffing industry since 1995. During the early years of my career, I specialized in perm staffing for engineering. I then moved to another recruiting firm after two years at JSG. After four years with that firm, I decided to return to JSG and have been working here for over 10 years collectively.

What do you enjoy about being a recruiter?

What I enjoy about staffing is the ever-changing environment. Helping candidates find new career opportunities is so rewarding. I love being able to follow the careers of the candidates I have placed. I have a story I reflect on often. I once placed a great candidate with one of our clients. Since I placed him, he has received five different promotions within the company. I have had the privilege of staying in touch with him and watching his career grow. Which again has solidified my passion for recruiting.

You worked for JSG for two years and moved on to another opportunity. What made you decide to return to the JSG family in 2011?

In 2011 after a brief departure, I decided to return to JSG. I love the flexibility that JSG offers to their employees. The company genuinely cares about your success and wants to watch you succeed. The people at JSG are incredible and our leadership team is great.

JSG is also a leader in recruiting for engineering roles which are my specialty. My brother is also a civil engineer, and it has helped strengthen my background in the industry. Engineering positions are also very fun to recruit on because they have so many different skill sets, depending on the type and role.

You’ve had a very successful career in the Staffing and Recruiting world. What are you hoping to accomplish in 2019?

My goal is to place as many people as I can. I want to help JSG as well as myself be successful throughout the year by placing hardworking candidates with our great clients. I work remotely but have the opportunity to work with several different offices throughout the company. It’s my goal to help each office source talented candidates and help them launch their careers.

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