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Why Job Hopping Isn’t as Bad as People Think

job hopping

The stereotypes of job hopping include people who are only out for the money, lack reliability and think they’re better than they are. Well, that’s normally what you hear, right? The thing is though, this normally isn’t the case.

Most people are wanting to find a job and company they’d love to stay with. It’s not always about making more money or moving around every chance you get. So here are some reasons why job hopping isn’t as bad as people think.

Help People Grow Their Expertise

When people move to a different company, they take skills from their previous position, but they also learn new ones. It’s one of the fastest ways for an employee to grow their portfolio, knowledge, and experience. It helps them hone their skills but also learn new ways of approaching projects, people, and different tasks.

As someone grows in their career, it’s important to make moves to other companies. This helps them move forward and climb up the ladder of command. Fearing leaving a job that doesn’t give you that same opportunity is only holding great employees back from achieving a management position and great pay raises.

Know What They Want from a Job and Company

The one thing job hoppers understand is what works and what doesn’t when it comes to a well-run company. They know what they want in a manager as well as the type of environment they work best in. When they are looking for a move, it’s to find an even better company as well as a chance to move up and gain more responsibility.

You’re always told your first job won’t be your last but when it comes to jobs you shouldn’t be staying with a company or position you’re not happy with. So, before thinking people are just job hopping for selfish and money-driven reasons, remember, chasing happiness in a position is also a big reason why people are doing it now.

Find Their Passion

With job hopping people are searching for that one position that makes all their work experience and passion click. When you find that position, you do everything in your power to keep it because happiness at work turns into happiness at home. Passion at your job should be everyone’s goal and if that means job hopping until they find that position, that should be okay.

More Money

And of course, when changing companies and positions, you’re likely to get a higher pay raise! And so yes, job hoppers may be seen as money hungry but it’s just a part of the process. When it comes to finding a new job, everyone is hoping for a little more money and when you have the experience, that’s what you get paid off of.

And who is going to say no to an average 10% – 20% salary increase when you find a new job? Exactly!

When it comes to being a “job hopper” just make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. If you’re wanting to move up, be happier, gain more responsibility, or find a better company fit, then it may be time to find a new job. And as we all know, today’s job market is the perfect time to do it!

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