When you’re searching for a new job, you need all the help you can get. (Yes, even if you’re experienced!) No matter which field you are in, or how long you’ve been in the career game, the job market landscape is constantly evolving. And in today’s world, it’s essential that you stay apprised of the latest trends, tricks, and tips. We have a few steadfast go-to’s that we recommend over and over again to our candidates going through the job search process. And today we’re sharing them with you!
The Muse
This is one of our go-to sites when it comes to all things job search-related. The Muse has a ton of advice on everything from networking, to resumes, to interviews, and even everyday productivity. The content on the Muse remains personal, professional, and understandable, making it one of our favorites.
No fluff, no buzzwords, and no irrelevant information.
Bonus tip: subscribe to their email updates for the latest articles and information delivered straight to your inbox!
The Wall Street Journal (Or your preferred news site)
Staying up-to-date on the latest news is essential when applying to jobs! Knowing what’s going on in the world, your industry, and adjacent industries will undoubtedly give you a leg up when writing an application or answering interview questions. The Wall Street Journal is a great news source, but feel free to use whatever is most relevant to you and your job!
Bonus tip: Bookmark the section for your industry so you can easily access first thing every day!
JSG Inc.
After 35 years in the staffing and recruiting industry, we’ve learned a thing or two about successful job searches. The JSG Inc. Blog is the only place where you can access all the proprietary tips and advice that we share every week. You can also access hundreds of job listings that we are actively recruiting for, with new ones being added every day!
Bonus tip: Join our Talent Network to get job alerts based on your preferred location and job title right when they’re posted.