You’ve landed the interview and you’re super qualified, so your job here is done right? Not so fast. Even the most experienced interviewees still make little mistakes that knock their credibility. Avoid these five fumbles to let your qualifications and experience speak for themselves during your interview!
Showing up late.
As the popular saying goes, “if you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late!” There is really no excuse for being late to an interview. Give yourself more than enough time to arrive at your destination. If you end up being TOO early (more than 15 minutes), talk a walk to get those last minute jitters out or review the company’s website or social media on your smartphone one last time.
Not knowing anything about the company.
If you’re interviewing to work for a company, you should know a lot about them, period. And your research should extend beyond the industry they’re in or what the company does. Do a Google News search to see if they’ve been covered lately, dig through their social media to get a broader picture, check out employee’s social media pages for insight into what it’s like to work there. You can never do too much research. The more you know, the more it will look like you want to work there.
Interrupting the interviewer.
You would think this would be a no brainer, but alas, it happens all the time. Life tip: it’s never a good idea to interrupt anyone. Instead, listen thoughtfully and prepare your response. If you’re worried you’ll forget that brilliant thought that just came into your mind – it’s okay to ask the interviewer before you start if they mind if you take notes throughout the interview.
Forgetting to bring the right tools.
For an interview, it never hurts to be over-prepared. The last thing you want is to have a blank stare across your face when the interviewer asks for a copy of your resume. We love this article on the basics you should bring every time.
Not sending a thank you note.
Sending a thank you note is such an easy, yet memorable gesture, it’s a step you absolutely cannot miss. The sooner you can send the thank you note after your interview, the better. We find it helpful to draft one in advance, and then add in any important details from the interview prior to sending. (Here’s a great template.)