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Workplace Safety: Fire Safety

Fire Prevention week is October 9-15th! Make sure your workplace is safe (whether it is your office or your home) and make sure you have a plan if a flame does catch. By staying vigilant, you can create a safe environment both at work and at home. Check out NFPA’s website for helpful educational resources about fire safety!

Educate yourself about the office

Ensure that you know where the stairway exits are. Additionally, it is helpful to know where the fire extinguishers are kept in your office space. If you cannot locate them, please ensure to check you’re your supervisor as to their location. These simple steps can result in a much safer and calmer response to an office fire emergency.

Create a plan for your home

Come up with a plan in the case that a fire catches in your home. Make sure that all members of the household are aware of safe exits and alternative ways to get out of the house if doors are unreachable. Know where your fire extinguishers are and be aware of what could easily catch flame in your home (appliances, candles, etc.).

Use this week to check in and make your workspace and home fire safety conscious places! Make sure those around you are aware of safety measures, and work together to make your spaces as safe as possible.

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