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When is the best time to change jobs?

When is the Best Time to Change Jobs?

Whether you feel a little restless at your current job or realize that you want to change careers completely, it can be challenging to know when to pursue something new. Many personal and professional factors play into what time is “THE” time.

Consider personal security

Are you moving soon? Is your first baby on the way? During significant personal life events like these, it may be best to let the job change take a back seat. Although exciting, a new job can be stressful. You are entering a new environment with a different commute, different coworkers, and different responsibilities. Adjusting can take a lot of energy—know yourself and how much change you can handle at one time. It is ALWAYS helpful to talk to the important people in your life and get their opinions. Sometimes a little outside perspective is what we need to make the right decision—though it may be possible to do everything at once, it may be better for you and those you love if you take on new things one at a time.

Consider job security

The best time to look for a new job is WHEN YOU HAVE ONE! Don’t quit your current job, hoping a new one will magically appear. No, your desperation will not fuel your job search. It will only lead to burnout and frustration. With the security of a steady income, you can take your time to find a job you really want, not just the next one that appears. Before jumping ship at your current company and changing jobs entirely, consider if they may have a place for you to grow/switch to a new position. If you enjoy working for them but are looking for more growth, ask for opportunities before starting over at a new company. You may be surprised by what they are willing to do for you.

Trust your gut

I have coined a new phrase that many of you may not have heard of: “gut knows best.” If you want to change jobs, but you aren’t feeling at peace about any of your options, sit tight. The right thing will come along. If you are comfortable with your current job but feel the urge to search for exciting new opportunities, lean into it! Sometimes your subconscious knows more about what you need than your conscious self does.

Job searching is stressful, no matter how exciting the prospective a new job may seem. Gear yourself up for it. Get support from those around you. You got this—trust your gut!

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