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Post-Interview Question: What Does Success Look Like In This Position?

Post-Interview Question: What Does Success Look Like In This Position?

Why you should ask it

If you’re looking to impress your interviewers and generate insight on how your success will be measured, ask the following question in your next interview: “What does success look like in this position?” This question will let you learn what is expected of you before you even receive an offer. This could either excite you or draw some red flags. Either way, it will give you valuable information on how your success will be measured if you accept it.

When to ask it

This is a question you should typically save for the end of the interview. However, if the interviewer is beginning to discuss expectations or how your performance will be evaluated, you can then bring it up. Some interviewers, especially if they are the hiring manager, may bring up expectations at some point during the interview. If they do, that’s great! But don’t be afraid to ask for more details if it was only touched on slightly.

For example, you can ask, “You briefly touched on expectations for this position a few minutes ago. Can you please go into a little more detail on what success looks like in this position, and explain how it will be measured?” This follow-up question allows you to receive further clarification and also shows off your listening skills.

Possible outcomes

Are the expectations of you in this position clear? Are they realistic and achievable? Or, are they too easy, and you may not be challenged enough? These are all things you can answer when you ask, “what does success look like in this position?” You want to ensure the expectations and measures of success bode well with you. You may find that the expectations are challenging, yet doable and clear enough that you can personally track your success. However, you may also find that this position isn’t the right fit for you because it won’t push you to give your best effort.

Looking for more interview questions you can ask?

If you are looking for more interview questions that you can ask at the end of your interview, head to our candidate resources to explore!

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