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Become An Expert, Get Hired

Become An Expert And Get Hired

Have you ever heard people sing the praises of being a “jack of all trades?” Well, when it comes to your career, this might not be the best advice. In fact, some professionals claim it makes you much more marketable to become an expert in one or two topics. To get hired for your next position, try following these three steps to become a subject matter expert while enhancing your career along the way.

Pick Something You’re Passionate About

If you’re going to become an expert in something, it might as well be something you’re passionate about! Dig deep inside yourself to find a facet of your professional skillset that you love. Whatever you choose, make sure it adds to your marketability. Think of skills that will take your career to the next level while simultaneously fueling your fire.

Find Where You Can Add Value

Now that you’ve chosen your topic of expertise, assess how it fits into your career. How can you utilize this skill set to add value to companies and specific teams? Once you have realized your value, find where you can apply it on the job market. It may be a job similar to your past experiences, or it may be a whole new path. Mapping out your expertise allows you to develop a strong elevator pitch for job interviews.

Do Your Research

According to BJ Fogg, author of the book “Tiny Habits,” it takes approximately 40-60 hours to become a subject-matter expert. So, now that you’ve chosen your area of expertise and how you want to apply it, it’s time to go to work. Stock up on literature, find a mentor, and completely immerse yourself in this topic.

Honing your expertise to one or two topics you are passionate about will help you get hired for the job you want. Not only will you be more marketable, but you’ll also have more fun! Looking for more ways to take your career to the next level? Explore our candidate resources!

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