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3 Ways To Effectively Narrow Down Your Job Applicants

3 Ways To Effectively Narrow Down Your Job Applicants

In a candidate-saturated job market, it can be easy to get overwhelmed with the number of applicants you receive for a job opening. However, there are a few things you can do to narrow down your job applicants effectively. Doing so will create a better application experience for candidates and a smoother hiring process for your team.

At The Application Stage

One of the most powerful ways to narrow your candidate pool is during the application stage. This helps save you, your recruiters, and your applicants time. There are a few effective strategies to weed out candidates who may not be qualified. First, make sure your job description is specific. Include any and all must-haves, including qualifications, location, and experience. Next, don’t be afraid to ask for additional materials. Whether that’s a cover letter, portfolio, or writing sample, supplemental materials can significantly deter unqualified candidates from applying. We recommend asking for something that will add value to your decision-making process and take the time to factor those documents into your consideration process.

During The Interview Stage

Another great time to narrow down your job applicants is during the interview process. You can do this by asking well-crafted and intentional questions. Skip the usual “what are your weaknesses” and dig deeper to actually imagine candidates in your position. (To get you started, here are some of our favorite questions.) Additionally, aim to give interviewees a realistic view of what it’s like to work at your company and on your team. Yes, this includes the good, the bad, and the ugly! Cover challenges, expectations, and celebrations. This will help to weed any candidates out that won’t be a culture fit or are looking for something different.

When It Comes Time To Offer

Once you’ve made it through the entire hiring process, you may face a tough decision in this candidate-saturated market. To narrow down your choices, picture your top candidate in the position. How would they get along with the rest of your team? What does their long-term growth trajectory look like? Would they go above and beyond to push your team to the next level?

Additionally, don’t forget to factor in diversity initiatives, budgets, and future goals. When it comes time to offer, make a decision quickly and put your best offer on the table. While many people are currently looking, the job market is rapidly changing, and the best candidates are getting swept up swiftly.

These are just a few of the options you have when it comes to effectively narrowing down your job applicants. Doing so as you move through the hiring process will result in a better application experience and a more productive employee in the end. Looking for more hiring advice? Explore our client resources here.

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