Looking for a new job is undoubtedly a stressful endeavor. Add a pandemic with a candidate-saturated market to the mix, and your job search just became a whole lot more challenging. This past year has been a whirlwind for those looking for employment. If you lost your job or were furloughed because of the Coronavirus, this can make you feel anxious. However, during this step in your job hunt, it’s essential to take care of your mental and physical health. Here’s how to reduce your job search anxiety while successfully finding your next opportunity.
Don’t treat your job search like a job
Many job seekers make the fatal error of treating their job search like a full-time job. While there are benefits to having structure and routines to your search, spending 10+ hours a day scouring job boards isn’t beneficial. Creating a schedule is essential to find your next opportunity, but don’t overwork yourself if you are serious about reducing your search stress. Instead of spending all your time finding a new job, work smarter. Sign up for notifications at your favorite job boards, so you don’t feel the urge to refresh them every five minutes. The more time you spend actively reading these job feeds, the more anxious you will feel.
Pro tip: our Talent Network allows you to set up custom job alerts every time a new position meets your qualifications, career goals, and location. Sign up today!
Ask for help when you need it
Another way you can reduce your job search anxiety is ask for help. We understand, looking for a new job, especially while unemployed, puts you in a vulnerable position. But more people than you might think have been in this position before and will understand your situation. If you feel the anxiety starting to take over your job search, reach out to your professional and personal networks. Turn to your family and close friends to ask for advice. Whether that’s just discussing how you are feeling, reviewing your resume, or helping you practice answering common interview questions, your support network is a great place to turn.
Also, start engaging with your professional network to get support from those in your industry or alumni from your school. These are trying times, and your network would be more than happy to help you through this journey. Plus, your professional connections may have some insight on an upcoming job opportunity and can put in a good recommendation for you. Unfortunately, they may not be able to help you if they don’t even know you are searching for a new position.
Don’t get hung up on hearing back right away
Moreover, too many job seekers get hung up on not hearing back after submitting a job application. To mitigate your job search anxiety, you must set realistic expectations. Even if you are the best applicant in the pool, you cannot expect to receive a response instantly. Sitting by your computer or checking your phone every few minutes will only exacerbate your anxiety. Instead, you have to adopt the mentality of “on to the next one.” Realistically, you have no idea when (or if) that employer will reach back out to you. So, instead of dwelling on a single application, move onto the next one. Don’t let one company leave you waiting on the sidelines – the labor market is too competitive for you to wait around for a response.
Ask interviewers for feedback
Another part of the job search process that can fuel your anxiety is job rejection. Most of us have been in this position before – you apply for a job, have a couple of interviews, you get really excited about the opportunity and think it’s an excellent fit, and then you suddenly get that rejection email. It’s a total reality check and can really throw you off. You may be there scratching your head and asking yourself, “what did I do wrong?”
To improve your interviewing skills and application materials, you must request feedback about your performance after a job rejection. How are you supposed to improve if you don’t know where you went wrong? Most interviewers will happily give some feedback to help propel your job search in the future.
If you want to know how to request feedback after job rejection, read our quick guide (with examples) here!
Partner with a professional recruiter
If you are looking to reduce your job search anxiety further, it may be time to work with a recruiting firm. Professional recruiters can help take a lot of the stress away from a job search. As a recruiter, it’s their job to help you find an opportunity that fits your background, skill sets, and career goals. Plus, the top-tier recruiting firms in the industry, like JSG, have exclusive job opportunities that you won’t find on any job board. If this sounds like a solid fit for you, reach out to us today. We have recruiters across North America that are ready to get you back to work.
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