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What to Prioritize in Your Job Search

What to Prioritize in Your Job Search

Have you been searching for a new job for a few months and feel stuck in a rut? It is easy to get lost in your search after striking out over and over again. You start to over-analyze things and either become a little lazy in your search or start treating it like a full-time job. Regardless of how your search is going, there are a few things you should prioritize in your job search. Here are four tips to optimize your time and experience better results.

Quality Over Quantity

Many job seekers make the mistake of applying for virtually every job they come across. That is a massive waste of your time and can be demoralizing after gaining zero traction because you didn’t put enough effort into each application. Instead, focus on quality over quantity. Be more selective in your search and focus on jobs that match your skill sets and career goals. Spend the time you were wasting on submitting countless applications to tailor your resume for each position. Customizing your resume will help you get past those pesky resume bots and land your resume in the hands of a hiring manager.

Actively Networking

It is essential to network during and after your job search. You want to keep engaging with your professional network on LinkedIn, Facebook Groups, and other networking platforms. Join professional organizations to grow your network and potentially discover new opportunities. Ask your network for interviewing tips, introductions to hiring managers, and share your good news with them when you finally land a job. They will want to celebrate this victory with you and know your hard work paid off!

Here are a few tips if you are new to the virtual networking scene.


Throughout your job search, it is crucial to self-educate. There are thousands of free courses and certifications you can earn to bolster your resume and hone new skills that make you more marketable. These can be courses related to your industry or field of work; they can also be diversity and inclusion training, programs that are a high priority for employers. So whether you earn a certification, pass a free online course, or attend a DEI training seminar, be sure to share these accomplishments on your resume!

Your Mental Health

Kindling your mental health is arguably the most important thing you should prioritize in your job search. It is easy to get overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious while searching for your next career move. Add a pandemic to the mix, and your job search can really bring you down. It is essential to take care of yourself. Get plenty of sleep, (safely) spend time with your family, and take time away from your job search. There is a myth that you should treat your job search like a job, working on it all day, every day. It is crucial to step away from your search so you can take care of yourself.

Take breaks in between applications, set up job alerts, so you are not scouring job boards all day, and if you need more assistance, partner with a recruiter. Recruiters can aid you in your job search and take some of the stress off of your shoulders. We can introduce you to new opportunities, champion you to the hiring manager, and offer interviewing advice. If this sounds like a good fit for you, reach out to us today, and let’s find you your next job!

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