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maintain motivation during a job search

How to Maintain Motivation During a Job Search

The path of any job search has obstacles and challenges to navigate. Even seasoned professionals can struggle to find motivation while searching for a new opportunity. This lack of motivation, especially with everything going on in the world today, can be detrimental. If you have been looking for a new job for months, it is easy to lose focus and feel defeated. As a result, the process tends to linger on. If the outcome is looking a little foggy, here are three ways you can maintain motivation during a job search.

Develop a search strategy

The most efficient way to tackle your job search is to develop a strategy. You will likely find yourself stuck in the mud if you are just aimlessly applying for jobs. Instead, create a plan that will help elevate your search. Take a hard look at your skills, experience, and industry background to mindfully apply for jobs. Your strategy will help you identify positions that are a good fit for your background and career goals; it will also assist with weeding out jobs that may not be a good use of your time and energy.

Be sure to regularly reassess your strategy as your job search continues. If you have been looking for months with no luck, it may be time to rethink it.

Take care of yourself

There is an old myth that your job search should be your top priority, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This belief is absolutely incorrect – YOU should be the top priority at all times. That means your mental and physical health, as well as your family, should take precedent. If you are not your best self, your job search will suffer, so be sure to make yourself a priority. Schedule breaks, (safely) socialize with friends and family, get some exercise, and ensure you are getting enough rest. If you hit a brick wall with your search, don’t be afraid to take some time off. Like with work, you have to separate yourself so you can maintain motivation during a job search and come back feeling refreshed.

Continue to leverage your network

Throughout your search, you must consistently leverage your network. That means you cannot just reach out to a few people initially and call it good. To be effective, you must engage with your network and reach out and introduce yourself to new professionals in your desired fields. LinkedIn is your best bet for building up your network.

Make a post sharing that you are open to new opportunities and ask connections for introductions to hiring managers. You never know who someone else knows until you ask. Also, if you don’t share that you are out of work, how can your network support you? Continue to leverage your network through every step of your job search (and be sure to share with them when you finally succeed!). Talking with your network will help you maintain motivation during a job search and unlock doors you didn’t know existed.

These are just a few ways to maintain motivation during a job search. Please take care of yourself, take time to separate yourself from a stressful search, and use your connections to help you succeed!

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