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hiring process

This Is Where Your Hiring Process Fails

Are you having a hard time hiring in today’s competitive market? Do you find yourself mulling over your hiring process, wondering where it all went wrong? While every situation is different, and occasionally some factors are  entirely out of your control, we can often pinpoint exactly what went wrong. Here are three basic reasons why your hiring process is failing.

It Takes Too Long

The number one reason candidates stray from your hiring process is because it takes too long! There is a saying in the recruiting world, “time kills all deals,” and it is truer than ever in this candidate-driven market. With multiple job offers on the table, candidates don’t have time to wait for a long, drawn-out hiring process. The longer your process, the more likely your candidates will pull out of contention.

You Require Too Many Interviews

To add another layer, requiring too many interviews can significantly affect the length of your hiring process. When the “interviewing stage” consists of phone interviews, video interviews, panel interviews, in-person interviews, informal team meet-and-greets, etc., your candidates will undoubtedly be turned off. Keep your interview process simple and only involve those who are on a “need-to-know” basis. If you can eliminate steps throughout your process, you will save valuable time and resources without spooking your candidates.

You’re Afraid to Commit

If you’ve interviewed a fantastic candidate, but are still hesitant to pull the trigger, you could be missing out on a great opportunity. Once you’ve found a strong candidate, stop scheduling more interviews! If you go all-in on a job prospect, they’re likely to return the favor.

If you find your hiring process lacking, it’s time to partner with JSG. We have helped thousands of clients discover qualified candidates, improve their hiring process, and achieve their growth goals. Contact us today to learn more!

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