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4 Easy Steps To Getting A Great Recommendation

When you need to provide a reference or recommendation, of course, you want it to be in support of your landing this new role! That’s why it’s essential to take things into your own hands and ensure that your reference has all of the right information to give you a stellar recommendation. Here are four easy ways to ensure you get a glowing reference. 

Inform Your Reference 

First and foremost, you must let someone know that they are on your reference list. If you’re actively searching for a new job, we recommend asking their permission. That way, not only can they prepare before someone calls, they may also be able to connect you with a great opportunity. (Don’t forget – 70-85% of open positions are filled through networking.) 

Let Them Know More About The Position 

You should be informing your reference about every position you use them as a reference. Include a link to the job description to give them some context. Next, you can even include a short write up about why you think you’d be a great fit! Explain what stage in the application process you are at, and any pertinent information that can help guide them in providing a strong recommendation.

Guide Your Reference 

Now, we’re not recommending that you write the recommendation for them. However, it is perfectly okay to guide your reference gently. If there was a specific project you worked on together or an accomplishment that you discussed during the interview that you would like to emphasize, mention it! It may have been some time since you worked together, or they might not remember off the top of their heads. 

Follow Up 

Unfortunately, you won’t always get the first job that you apply to. However, once you involve someone in your job search as a reference, they become invested! Follow up whether you receive the job or not. The more you keep them in the loop, the more inclined they’ll be to provide a reference in the future! (Which is never a bad thing to keep in your back pocket.) 

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